Intel podporuje otevřené standardy pro IN-CAR INFOTAINMENT

11. 3. 2007 19:59    Rubrika: Tiskové zprávy

Návštěvníci semináře „Fully Networked Car“ na 77. mezinárodním autosalónu, který se koná od 8. do 18. března v Ženevě, budou moci shlédnout předvedení jedné z možných podob budoucího infotainmentu. Společnosti Intel a BMW připravily ukázku kokpitu vozu BMW se zabudovaným ovládáním multimediální platformy, která k navigaci využívá webové služby plánování trasy. Představený „in-car infotainment“ systém zahrnuje multifunkční ovládání a kromě jiného ilustruje možnost kombinace map a satelitních snímků, zjišťování cen pohonných hmot přes Internet nebo přístup k trasám připraveným na domácím počítači.

Intel podporuje otevřené standardy pro IN-CAR INFOTAINMENT

TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA - v původním znění

Dále pokračuje zpráva v původním znění:
Both companies see significant opportunities to improve the consumer’s entertainment, communication, and information on-the-go experiences by implementing in-car systems based on standards-based hardware and software building blocks. In the 20th century, the automobile redefined the very concept of mobility. In the 21st century, the automobile is failing to keep pace with information technology trends. A shift to open systems will allow car manufacturers to take advantage of the extensive technology investments and large supplier base that resides outside of the traditional automotive domain. Furthermore, greater consistency of the platform architecture applied across home, office, and the car will accelerate integration of quickly-evolving consumer devices and applications into the car, enhancing the consumer experience
“Companies developing in-car infotainment solutions based on Intel architecture will have the opportunity to more easily and quickly develop and deploy applications that consumers demand, and realize improved time-to-market.” said Ton Steenman, vice president, Digital Enterprise Group, and general manager Embedded and Communications Processor Division, Intel Corporation. “Furthermore, the vision of always connected cars and location-based services aligns well with Intel’s expertise in mobile computing. Intel is leading the industry in bringing next generation wireless technologies like WiMAX to market, which will bring significant benefits and opportunities to the in-car infotainment platform.”
Using web-based services brings many advantages and this is only one example of the enhanced user experience that Intel architecture-based infotainment systems built into cars’ dashboards make possible. Further examples featured in the cockpit include live song recognition and purchase, entertainment video streaming, presence sensing based on vehicle environment and simultaneous voice / video calls.

Tiskové zprávy
